Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Miscellaneous Meanness

I need to get some random b!tchiness out. 

Miscellaneous Meanness #1

Today was The Ex's Birthday.  I refrained from sending him a text to say "Happy Birthday".  It felt mean, but I know his GF was spoiling him (as seen in Skype session with their father).  And he was never big on birthdays.  My sister is less than thrilled with him right now (story for another time), and posted this on her FB wall today with the message that read "Happy Birthday to my Ex Brother-in-Law - loser!"  She cracked herself up with this one.  And it's so funny, because over the past year, my family refers to him as DB.....code so that the younger ears wouldn't pick up on their distaste for him.  (Her post on FB the other day mentioned that she would like to see him neutered with a rusty bread knife).

Miscellaneous Meanness #2

I was on Linked_In this evening, and realized that I still had a "connection" with The Ex.  I deleted that connection as fast as I could, and then felt like I was in High School.  I guess I just didn't like that GF appeared as a second connection to me through him.  I also opted to delete a few connections of people that are in "his camp".  So High School, I know.

It's days like this that I feel my work for eradicating the b!tch within has failed miserably :)

1 comment:

  1. I refer to some at work as DB so we can talk about them without people knowing. In fact, I have nicknames for almost everyone at work. It is easier to be bitchy that way.


Don't be a B!tch hater.